Herman battle
70 minutes
Special features: brandnew tv-shows presented by beautiful Sibylla,
explains archeology, Roman music and Latin language; trailer, interviews,
many unpublished photographs, selected shots.
€ 17,90
plus mail: The shipping costs vary depending on the weight and the distance
between your location and Hamburg. The price is between 6,60 € (Central
Europe) and 11 € (overseas)
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Cash on delivery.
Material will be sent by mail in upholstered envelopes. Every copy
will be checked before.
Please consider, that the offered product is a low-budget film.
Our work doesn't meet the requirements of a mayor Hollywood-production.
All rights reserved. For domestic private use only. Any unauthorized
copying, sale, hiring, lending or public performance of this DVD is illegal and subject of criminal prosecution. Public presentation
even in schools and universities must be authorized.
© Schloßfilm c/o S.Mischer Hamburg
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